Nuevo parche para Wings of Prey

Las actualizaciones constantes son uno de los puntos fuertes de este juego, y ya esta aqui el ultimo de ellos, el parche Todavia no hay impresiones en el foro sobre los efectos del parche, pero seguramente en breve empezaran a comentar sobre el mismo. Los cambios incluidos en el parche a continuacion:

- updated visuals for canopy scratches
- skipbombing
- mute feature
- wheels on P-40 are fixed
- Me-163 cockpit minor fixes
- cannons fixed on I-16
- minor fixes for Yak-3
- minor fixes for Il-2 cockpits
- added default joystick layouts for some logitech devices and X-45
- gun distance setting for MP sorties
- fixed saving value for historical decals option
- more realistic bomb sight
- fixed camera shking on hits
- added some voices for Wright
- animated paratroppers
- delay in explosion sounds (according to sonic speed)
- improved movements in MP on laggy planes
- more realistc gun shooting vibrations
- custom difficulty
- some fixes on lots of devices in the same time
- more detailed damages on planes

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